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Writer's pictureMorgan Leigh

#1 Thing I’m Thankful For

Happy Thanksgiving!! Today is a great day. But also a tough day. It’s my first official holiday being divorced. It’s a new feeling for sure but I want to share the #1 thing I am thankful for today.

I’m thankful for my family, my old friends, my job, my new friends, a warm place to stay, my new business and OF COURSE my baby Frank. So many things to be thankful for, I can’t even count.

As I have been thinking about what to post today for my blog, I realized what I am truly most thankful for today. I know it definitely sounds cliche, but I’m most thankful for The Lord and His Word.

At church, we have been studying literally 3 verses each week. That’s like 10 seconds of material! Not much information, but each week we have an entire lesson over such few verses. I have really enjoyed this series and diving so deep into The Word of God.

I was honestly in shock that there was so much material we have access to in the Bible and so much we can learn from just a few verses. There are over 31 THOUSAND Bible Verses. Imagine if we spent a whole hour diving into 3 verses at a time. I’m a finance major and nerd out about math, so listen here.

There are 8,765 hours in a year and 31,102 total bible verses. If we take 3 of those verses each hour, that is 10,367 HOURS of studying and diving into the word. If we never ever slept and studied verses all day every day, it would take over a year. SO. MUCH. INFO.

I am reading a book by Kay Arthur called Lord, Heal My Hurts. I am excited to go more into how I got this book and what I’ve learned from it later on in other posts! This week, the book has been talking about so many things and here are a few of my favorite lines:

  • Where do you run in the time of trouble?

  • God’s word is life-giving because it is literally the Word of God.

  • The Bible is the only book which, in its entirety, is composed of the very words of life, the very precepts of God. And if you are ever going to be healed, if you are ever going to be whole, then you must have the Word of God.

  • If God is able to save man from himself and his sin, if God is able to save man from hell, and if God is able to make a person a new creature in Christ Jesus all through faith in His Word, then can’t God enable us to live above our hearts as we take Him at His word?

Psalm 107:19-20 talks about how people cried out to The Lord in their trouble and He saved them. He sent His word and healed them.

THIS IS ME. I cried out to God during the first days of my divorce. I’ll admit to you that it was weird. I had always leaned on my husband when things went wrong and I never went to God. Well, my husband wasn’t there and I was in a new city 6 hours away sooooo I didn’t really have anyone and so I called out to God in my trouble. I was a mess! (still am let's be real). He saved me. He truly did! He and His word saved me and healed me. Things are still hard, this isn't easy at all, but it IS doable with God.

I’ve still got a long road to go. I’m not perfect AT ALL but I’m doing better than I ever have been. I’m close to God and I am SO THANKFUL FOR THIS. I’m so thankful for God’s word and His guidance.

I encourage you to think of things you’re thankful for. I say this because sometimes it’s hard and people find themselves thinking there is nothing to be thankful for. I get it! I’ve been there. Life can be tough. But God has over 31,000 Bible verses waiting for you and is so ready to help you heal, my friend!!❤️

I share a picture of my wedding day because this was old Morgan. I truly loved getting ready to walk down the aisle and do all the things on our big day. It was such a fun time and I’m sad I don’t get to share the photos. But I wanted to share this one. This was me and my new bible with my newly married name on it. I loved my new last name and my husband and our life together, but I didn’t love what was inside that book. I’m sad to admit that. It’s not fun to say that I was more excited about my new last name and being with my best friend every day than the thousands of words God has given us inside that book to help in all situations.

Words I wish I could tell to the old Morgan: “Turn the page past the new name, Morgan. Dive into the book. Actually read it and study it, home girl!! It will change your life!”

God HAS changed my life and that is why today I am so thankful for His Word.

Happy Thanksgiving again, my friends!! This day can be tough. I hope you’re stuffing yourself with good food and good quality time, but take care of yourself. If it’s a hard day, please let me pray for you! Drop prayers in the box on the home page❣️


Morgan Leigh

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